Friday, January 07, 2005
Lib Dems
Being a sad politicogeek, I'm a regular contributor to the Liberal Democrat Youth forum. The reason for this being (as you may realise) that I'm fairly combative in nature, and arguing with those who have totally different viewpoints to one's own is far more enjoyable than arguing minutiae with those who, in essence, agree with you.

Still, I've been nominated as "Most Amusing Troll" on there, receiving such high praise as:

"Most amusing troll has to go to Foxy. He may be a shameless bastard, but he's still bloody funny when people just don't get the point."

I'm not sure whether I'm more proud of the "amusing" bit or the "shameless bastard" bit! Either way, the point of this post is to publicise the site, as it's a very decent level of argument with some entirely pleasant folks. Recommended.

They couldn't be more wrong on Europe, mind you.

I'm not sure that being a "shameless bastard" is ever a good thing, however in your case it is probably true.....
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